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The Student Newsite of Ladue High School

Ladue Publications

The Student Newsite of Ladue High School

Ladue Publications

The Student Newsite of Ladue High School

Ladue Publications

Vincent Hsiao

Vincent Hsiao, Photography Editor in Chief

Vincent Hsiao is in his second year as Photography Editor in Chief for Ladue Publications. Hsiao is a captain on the swim team, and serves as the Public Relations Co-Chair for National Honor Society. Outside of Publications, Hsiao runs his own photography business and freelances for MaxPreps as a sports photographer.
All content by Vincent Hsiao
Claire Yates (9) and Serenity Xu (9) decorate posters for the Valentine’s Day fundraiser. FemCo held a meeting with members Jan. 23 to create decorations. “I’m looking forward to being a part of a club that’s doing a fundraiser,” Yates said.

[Photo] Funds for Hope

Marie Demkovitch, News Editor
23 hours ago
Gavin Brantmeier Prabhakar (10) and Arlo Ziolkowski (10) drive around downtown Clayton Jan. 25. Working on his car several days a week, Brantmeier Prabhakar’s 2000 BMW 328Ci manual coupe has modifications including custom headlights, a cold air intake, wheels, headers and tuning. He visits the Slammedenuff car show in Chicago every year, where cars with lowered suspensions are showcased. Ziolkowski’s 2019 Volkswagen Jetta GLI 35th Anniversary Edition is only one of 3,500 units produced. “I definitely know a good amount of people through cars,” Ziolkowski said. “Just by looking at different accounts of people posting stuff in St. Louis about cars, and also meeting people through meets, talking to a lot of different owners.”

Full Throttle

Vincent Hsiao, Photography Editor in Chief
February 10, 2025

[Photo] Body Hair, Don’t Care

Ella Bender, Opinions Editor
February 10, 2025
Sabra Fink (11) helps students in physical education and reading classes. Being a part of Catalyst has helped her figure out her future career path. “I learned that this is something I really want to do in the future,” Sabra said. “Once I went into the classroom, I definitely found out this is something I want to do.”

[Photo] A Bond in Learning

Ira Rodrigues, Features Editor
February 10, 2025
School resource officer Rick Ramirez sits in his office. He usually spends little time in his office throughout his day of work, focusing on other issues. “Where our students are, I try to be,” Ramirez said. “Sometimes I get off at 2:45 p.m. when nothing’s going on, or sometimes I get off at 10 p.m. [Those are] my hours.”

[Photo] Second Chance

Nathan King, Staff
January 16, 2025
Reva poses in front of her home and address plaque. After reuniting with her father and grandparents, she has made many new memories and retained her culture. “We have a lot of Indian cooking going on,” Reva said. “I also like telling people about Indian food, mainly because that’s something that really connects me to [Mumbai].”

[Photo] At Home

Kaichen Chou, Staff
December 15, 2024
Kimmi Lin (11) stands alongside her instruments in the Ladue High School Performing Arts Center Dec. 3. Lin’s favorite artist is Laufey. “School and practice are separate. I don’t like school, I like percussion.”

[Photo] Finding Her Pulse

Will Kodner, Copy Editor in Chief
December 5, 2024
Science teacher Adam Hamilton stands on the field as he prepares his players for their match against Hazelwood highschool Sept. 27. Hamilton has been working at Ladue for the past two years both as a teacher and as a football coach. “There is a desire to do what’s best for kids on both sides of the ball,” Hamilton said. “And I don’t mean both sides of the ball with football, I mean with academics and athletics.”

[Photo] Duality of Ham

Isaac Zelinske, Staff
December 15, 2024
Sanvi Prasad (11) stands in her home, filled with cultural trinkets and decorations. They reminded Sanvi of her old life in Germany, which she still made frequent trips back to. “I went back to Germany and saw the places that used to be my everyday life,” Sanvi said. “That gave me closure, that visit to Berlin."

[Photo] When Cultures Collide

Ira Rodrigues, Features Editor
December 15, 2024
Karan Vatwani (12) stands with his bike in the St. Louis Rowing Club boathouse Oct. 20 at Creve Coeur Lake in Maryland Heights. Vatwani is a member of the Wheelhouse Racing Team, participating in several triathlons each year that consist of long-distance swimming, cycling and running. He competed at the USA Triathlon Olympic Distance National Championship in Atlantic City, New Jersey in September, which qualified him for the 2025 World Triathlon Championships Finals in Australia. A rower since his freshman year, Vatwani began training for triathlons with his friends over summer break in 2023. “It started out as just kind of something to do for fun,” Vatwani said. “I just decided it’s something I should pick up over the summer when I’m not rowing or biking.”

Triple Threat

Vincent Hsiao, Photography Editor in Chief
November 4, 2024

[Photo] Going the Distance

Emily Pan, Staff
December 15, 2024
Alex Zhang (9) sits before a chess board, pondering his first move. He has beaten his friend, Huang, in speed chess five times in a row. “Once upon a time, I was higher rated than him,” Huang said. “It’s humbling to say that, but I’m also very proud of him, and very happy he’s managed to reach these levels of growth.”

[Photo] Mastermind

Nina Ye, Staff
December 5, 2024
Ruby competes in Ladue High School’s meet against Lindbergh High School, Mehlville High School and Oakville High School. Ladue High School won the meet with 182 points. Ruby placed second in her 50-yard freestyle event and also competed in three relays, swimming in a 50-yard freestyle, 200-yard freestyle and 100-yard freestyle. “When I’m swimming, I’m constantly counting strokes until the next breath and singing songs in my head,” Ruby said.

[Photo] Thicker Than Water

Sylvia Hanes, ID Managing Editor in Chief
December 10, 2024
Kadan Brown (12) watches the Spring Senior Directed One Act rehearsals April 17 during his junior year. At first, Brown didn’t know anything about theater, but now Brown  is serving as Thespian Troupe 1109’s Head Lighting Director. “I’m actually not really sure [what made me interested in theater], I just kind of showed up one day and that day kind of solidified my place,” Brown said. “And I just stayed around.”

[Photo] Light it Up

Nyla Weathersby, Staff Manager
December 5, 2024
Alexandra Tsygankov (12) runs on the track Nov. 18. She has run cross country for the last four years, since her freshman year. “It’s going to be the friendships and the person you grow [into] that’s gonna matter more than anything,” Tsygankov said.

[Photo] Training Styles

Ishaan Pandey, Community Engagement Liaison
December 2, 2024
Ladue students, families and staff gathered at the McKenna Athletic Plaza and track for the 12th Annual ‘Due Run 4 Education, hosted by the Ladue Education Foundation, Saturday, Sept. 21. The ‘Due Run is a 5K and 1 mile run that fundraises the LEF nonprofit organization for their grants and initiatives that help further the academic opportunities for students across the district. Participant registration fees and dozens of corporate sponsors help contribute to an approximate total of $25,000 each year. LEF provided entertainment including a DJ, performances from the Laduettes and cheer team, gift card giveaways and food. Medals were awarded to the fastest runners in age groups. High school students in the National Honor Society chapter volunteered at the event as course monitors, photographers and mascots from each Ladue school. “It was pretty hot in those costumes, I was the [Conway] ram,” Garon Agrawal (12) said. “It got pretty hot, but it was a really fun experience. I loved giving all the kids high fives, and everyone’s really excited to see us mascots.”

Can ‘Due

Vincent Hsiao, Photography Editor in Chief
November 4, 2024
Attendees walk through metal detectors to enter the opening home varsity football game versus Ritenour High School, Friday, Sept. 6. It was the first event where security gates were implemented. “I felt like it was an airport,” Anastasia Chostner (12) said. “There were metal detectors and a much greater amount of cops.”

[Photo] Safety in Action

Cindy Liu, News Editor
October 21, 2024
Phases of the partial eclipse are captured with an 18-stop solar filter from Ladue High School’s football field April 8. Sunspots are visible after the eclipse. They are temporary concentrated cool areas of strong magnetic fields that regularly appear on the surface of the sun. (Photo illustration by Vincent Hsiao)

E(clip)se It

Vincent Hsiao, Photography Editor in Chief
May 1, 2024
Adaeze Loynd (10), Khamari Davis (10), Kate Sheley (11) and Emma Bangert (11) warm up during their weekly rehearsal to prepare for their show. The show took place May 4 and the Viva Voce seniors took their final bow. “Every concert is always so fun because I get to do what I love, with people I love,” Loynd said. “But this show will be extra special since it’s our last spring concert with our seniors.”

[Photo] News To Know

Cindy Liu, News Editor
May 1, 2024
Social studies teacher Conner Katsev wears his medal, commemorating his achievement of winning the James Madison Fellowship Award. For Katsev, this medal represented everything he worked towards throughout his career. “Some advice would be, don’t get discouraged if you apply once and you don’t get [the fellowship],” Katsev said. “The [effort] to get [it] makes it that much more rewarding when you do get it.”

[Photo] Made for Madison

Ira Rodrigues, Features Editor
May 1, 2024
As politicians try to crush TikTok, will it survive?

[Photo] TikTok on the Clock

Frank Chen, Columnist
April 29, 2024
Strawberry ice cream from Gelato Di Riso.

[Photo] What’s the Scoop?

Madeline Awad, Website Editor in Chief
April 25, 2024
Junior Aneesh Patil displays photos of his family on a vacation in Chicago. His family reunited in the U.S. after being apart from his father for a year. “I didn't want to come to U.S. at the beginning [but my sons] were missing their dad,” his mother Anu said. “That was the reason I had to move here."

[Photo] Leaving and Learning

Sylvia Hanes, ID Managing Editor in Chief
April 29, 2024
Students gathered outside to watch the eclipse at 2 p.m. Monday, April 8. The district supplied special glasses to allow students to view the eclipse at 99% totality. "I just know that it’s really bright and tbat you’re not supposed to look into it," Kaichen Chou (11) said.

[Photo] Experiencing the Eclipse

Sylvia Hanes, ID Managing Editor in Chief
April 11, 2024
Justin Espinosa stands with his spring rotation of shoes in the studio March 13. Espinosa’s vast collection allows him to create seasonal shoe cycles that work with the rest of his clothing. “At any point I can put on the Clarks [Wallabees] that are a little bit more dressy or I could put on the Jordan 1 sneakers or the Jordan 3 sneakers or the Sambas and they’ll all go together with the outfit,” Espinosa said.

Kick It Up

Vincent Hsiao, Photography Editor in Chief
April 5, 2024
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The Student Newsite of Ladue High School
Vincent Hsiao