Directed by Jessica Winingham, the Ladue theater program hosted auditions for the fall play, “Puffs,” on Tuesday, Sept. 5 to cast students for potential roles.
“Since they announced [the play] last year, I’ve been looking forward to it,” sophomore Joan Gaffigan said.
This was a feeling shared by many in the theater community. Junior Kate Sheley, an officer for the theater program who also auditioned for “Puffs,” was excited about the new experiences it offered.
“Having a new director, Winingham, she’s really fun and takes theater on a different level,” Sheley said. “It’s just different from what I’ve experienced.”
About thirty students tried out for the play, each performing a monologue as one of the characters. For Gaffigan, confidence in her abilities was the key to auditioning well.
“Believe in yourself,” Gaffigan said. “Don’t think you’re doing the character wrong, because there’s no right way to do any character. The character is who you make it.”
Many of the students auditioning had some theater experience to help them. Sheley, who has been in every high school show since she was a freshman, has her own advice for nerves.
“The way I’ve been taught to go through things like this is: I have no control over anyone other than myself,” Sheley said. “What happens will happen and I tried my best.”
But overall, the students were excited. Gaffigan, for one, viewed the auditions as a chance to connect to peers in the community.
“It’s a really welcoming group,” Gaffigan said. “Everyone’s always super friendly. They’re all so full of energy, and it’s a really great community.”