Have you ever felt that anxious sensation of sitting by the telephone, waiting for the “ring-a-ding-ding” that will determine whether or not you have school the next day?
Well, your answer is undoubtedly a yes, especially for all the happy Ladue students last week. Snow Days are an essential part of everyone’s childhood. Relaxing at home all day, playing in the snow, and hanging out with friends is probably the highlight of most peoples’ winters.
On Thursday Feb. 21 and Friday Feb. 22, all Ladue students received that special phone call and were off the hook for school for two days. Facebook News Feeds went crazy with “No School!” and “Snow Day!” posts from enthusiastic friends. Despite the hazardous road conditions, pretty much every student at Ladue figured out a way to enjoy not only one, but two days off.
For the little kids at the elementary schools, the snow day options always seem endless. Sledding, building snowmen, drinking hot chocolate in the warmth of their homes—what could be better? While some moms worry about their child getting too cold outside, or getting hurt, it seems as though everyone decided to let loose and let the excitement of the falling snow take over.
For the older kids at the middle school and high school, sledding seems to be the best option. All over St. Louis, at all the best hills, was bound to be a bundle of kids sledding, zooming by, and having a wonderful time.
Art Hill is a particularly popular, fun place to go to sled with friends, although there are some downsides. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the way people go down or up the hill, so as one is flying down on their sled, there are guaranteed to be some (terrified) shouts of “Get out of the way!” or “MOVE!” or “Ahh! Watch out!” And, at Art Hill, the rule of “gravity” is that what comes down on a sled must go back up the big hill, resulting in a nervous person carrying a sled up the hill, dodging this way and that every second in order to not get run over by a fast-moving toboggan.
Overall, these two snow days were a huge success, and the best part? On the week of Feb. 18 there were only two days of school! Snow days are the best part of winter, and luckily we all got to enjoy a few last week. #