(Katie Jansen)
Students meticulously carve each detail into their projects as the soft hum of conversation fills the air. In fifth period ceramics, students are currently working on a variety of project.
This class is made up of students in ceramics 2-5. One ceramics student, junior Sabina Uminskaya, is working on adding details to her clay house prior to glazing it.
“It is going to resemble a chicken,” Uminskaya said. “It will have a head and will be on chicken legs, but essentially it is a house on legs.”
Another student, sophomore RJ Spencer, spent the class preparing clay slabs to be used in the construction of his clay house. He lays the clay slab out on a table and works with it until it dries to a specific texture that is optimal for his project.

(Josie Stout)
“We’re using clay and then putting in on a wood piece to dry it out,” Spencer said. “So it is leather hard when we’re making the house.”
Spencer is creating his project to look like the house where he used to live. He has been working on this project since the semester started, but expects to be finished soon.
“[My old house] is what I’m going off of,” Spencer said. “I just need to put the front half on so I can do all the designs.”