At the onset of every new year, America follows various age-old traditions, such as the ball dropping in New York City. One tradition that has become especially prevalent over time is the New Year’s Resolutions.
According to, about 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions. Statistics show that, after the first month, only about 64 percent of the people have kept their resolutions.
Freshman Lindsay Goeler made New Year’s Resolutions a month ago, including exercising, gaining more confidence, and becoming closer to God. She said she has been going to the gym and participating in a teen Bible school, therefore making her part of the successful 64 percent.
“I made a little motivational poster, and everyday when I wake up I see it, which reminds me why I started,” Goeler said, “[They have] some motivational workout quotes. One says, ‘yesterday you said tomorrow.’”
Contrary to Goeler, only 8 percent of Americans keep their resolutions. said this happens because people make resolutions that are nearly impossible and they have high expectations. So, when people do not see results, their motivation decreases.
To be successful, try making more achievable resolutions, not like getting a six pack in a week, because once the week is up, and when there is no six pack, most people will give up altogether.
For certain people, resolutions can be good. Statisticbrain said that people who made the resolutions are ten times more likely to follow through than people who did not make a resolution.
“Making resolutions is a good way to be motivated, and nothing beats being able to say ‘I made it,’” Goeler said.
Teachers at Ladue partake in making resolutions as well, like English teacher Kimberly Gutchewsky.
“My New Year’s Resolutions were just to generally be healthier, like eating better and sleeping more,” Gutchewsky said, “I’m doing OK on the healthier diet, but increasing my sleep has been a total fail.”
Next year, when making a resolution, make sure to keep in mind that resolutions must be attainable in order to achieve success.