Ram Pride 2021
The Ram Pride Award honors students for exemplifying respect, self-discipline, and responsibility. Ladue staff members can nominate one student each year for this prestigious award.

Tarek Al-Husseini
Tarek embodies the character of an upstanding citizen and enriches the community of Ladue High School and the surrounding community. Tarek is an avid member of the schools debate team, as a freshman, and uses his voice to uplift the wider community. Since his first day in class, Tarek has been a classroom leader often using his voice and debate skills to enrich our class discussion in a virtual or ...

Matthew Armstrong
Matthew is such a great Ladue Ram. Every time I see him, he never fails to smile and give me a cheerful hello. Mateo always has a kind word or a funny story to share. In class he's helpful, does his own work and has integrity. I'm so proud of Mateo for staying true to himself and continuously following the honor code. Thanks, Mateo, for being a model to other students!...

Michael Beirne
Alex is a super polite young man. He is helpful to other students and when I ask him questions he is always willing to share his insights. He is a bright spot in the room. ...

Brooke Berg
Brooke has done an amazing job of navigating four years of high school and becoming an excellent student. She has challenged herself and accepts nothing less than her personal best. In addition, Brooke is kind, thoughtful and gets along well with everyone. Brooke is someone that we can always count on in every situation. Way to go Brooke!!...

Matthew Biason
Matthew does excellent work in class each and every day. He has an impressive work ethic, and his videos/projects are always top-notch. He is very pleasant in class, always saying, "good morning" and "thank you." He is the very definition of "Ram Pride."...

Austin Birk
I nominated Austin because of his good character. He is positive and generous. He often goes above and beyond to help others, which is a trait that does not go unnoticed and will take him far. Austin, thank you for being a student I know I can always count on to light up the room. ...

Samara Black
I have had the privilege of getting to know Samara during both PE and health class. Samara is a wonderful person who brightens any room with her smile, sense of humor, and laughter. She is caring, confident, and hard working and a joy to teach. She is truly a pleasure to work with and represents Ladue well....

Lindsey Byer
Lindsey is a strong, brave and intelligent student with a truly impressive work ethic. Lindsey has been a positive role model for those around her because she demonstrates honesty, compassion and dedication to her growth. I have been very fortunate to know and teach her, and I thank her for all the ways she has influenced our school community!...

Olena Chervonyak
Olena makes every day of class better. She is always focused, always thinking, always interested. Every question is thoughtful and shows real insight and a real desire to understand. It has been not just a pleasure, but a help to me, having Olena in class this year....

Calvin Ciorba
Calvin a is positive student-leader. He is an engaged and critical thinker in class, and draws his peers into the class as well....

Riley Coates
This year's freshman class has faced a transition to LHWHS that compares to no other. Very few freshmen have found their way to the library. Riley Coates, however, has become a student who constantly makes the list of students who have checked out the most books. She used the library for seminar when it was available; and she is focused, friendly, and flourishing as a high school student. We look f...

Rian Cooper
Rian / Ms. Cooper, has a great attitude and work ethic. Rian looks at the situation and develops the path that will best meet the needs to create a positive end result. Just flat out a great person!...

Maya Cote
Maya is an outstanding young lady. She works hard and aims high, even through adversity. Through our interactions, she has shown courage, thoughtfulness, and a genuine care for those around her. Maya, I'm very proud of all your accomplishments during this difficult school year! ...

Mate Daus
Our society needs thoughtful, creative, and empathetic people to successfully move us all forward. Mate Daus embodies all of these qualities. He has always walked into class with a smile and a willingness to make anything that he is involved in, better. In addition, he has a uniquely creative lens through which he sees the world, which is to say, he sees the world as it could be, not as it is. I can...

Jackson Diblasi
I have been able to see Jackson Diblasi grow so much from his freshman year to now. He is an incredibly kind young man who is always willing to help those around him. His attitude is infectious and he is a joy to be around. Jackson is always humble, respectful, and has such a positive impact on the classroom. I am incredibly proud to nominate him for the Ram Pride Award....

Daniel Diringer
Daniel is disciplined, hard-working, respectful, and personable. When Daniel sets his mind to accomplish something, he does what needs to be done and he inspires others through the process. His talents and efforts are multidimensional such that he excels musically, athletically, and academically. ...

Karina Dravina
Karina is an absolute pleasure to have in my class this year. She has been a virtual student since August and really manages her time well. She participates in class, virtual seminar, and she continues to impress me with her organizational and communication skills. Karina advocates very well for herself and I look forward to meeting her in person one day! ...

Maxwell Eastman
Max Eastman is easily the most polite student at Ladue Horton Watkins High School. I have had the pleasure of teaching Max for 2 years now and he is one I will not forget. Max is an excellent student- he advocates for himself, attends to precision, and he is pleasant to be around. ...

Damian Ewald
Damian is kind, upbeat, and always trying to help. He carries a positive attitude and approach to learning, and works relentlessly to understand and improve. I'm proud of his effort and growth this year!...

Manareldeen Fajors
Manareldeen is an outstanding student and an even better person. He always maintains a positive attitude even when he has to deal with the adversities of pandemic learning. He is the king of quarantine, and it is obvious how much he enjoys school. Manareldeen somehow manages to bring happiness and joy to my class even over zoom!...

Jameson Falconer
It is my pleasure to recognize Jameson for the Ram Pride award. Jameson always has a smile on his face - whether on Zoom or behind the mask and plexiglass. From the very first day of this unforgettable year, he has been an engaging force: curious and active - with high quality contributions to class discussions, and a willingness to just go along with the weirdness of everything. I so appreciate hi...

Grayson Francis
Grayson has been an excellent student from the beginning of a very different year this school year. He attended classes, participated, asked questions, turned in all of his work (early, too!), and has been an honor to get to know. Grayson has a solid work ethic and will do well in anything he continues to pursue! Thanks for a wonderful year, Grayson!...

Kassia Fundoukos
Kassia Fundoukos is a ray of sunshine. She is the kind of students who is willing to take risks in the process of learning. When other students in my class are reluctant to read a paragraph or volunteer to share their analysis regarding historical questions, Kassia is always willing to do so, not from a place of hubris, but from a place of humility. She is a great example of what it means to be a co...

Peter Gatch
Peter Gatch has demonstrated a great deal of character and resilience throughout his time at Ladue. Peter's smile and jovial demeanor are contagious and refreshing. He is a respectful young man who strives to succeed in and out of school, and I have no doubt he will be successful in years to come!...

Jada Gates
One of the most rewarding experiences in my career has been teaching Jada. Even though she has lived through life experiences that would embitter almost anyone, Jada stays positive and determined. She listens when having a conversation and encourages others. She apologizes when she’s made a mistake and learns how to improve herself. She focuses on doing the right thing, and tries to connect with p...

Jeremy Gipson
Jeremy always makes an effort to do his work and get to class on time. He offers assistance to other students. He is polite and always has a smile in spite of the challenges of this year....

Jake Goldman
In German class, Jake regularly goes the extra mile (kilometer) in terms of his assignments, his work ethic, and his engagement with the material. Jake is focused and prepared, kind and considerate with his classmates, an excellent team player. He has added so much to our classroom community this year....

Gavin Gorski
What stands out to me most about Gavin this year is the leadership role he has unassumingly taken on in the French Honor Society. As a new officer this year, he has been quick to volunteer ideas, collaborate with other members and societies, and lead last-minute meetings. In class, Gavin's attention to detail in his writing and speaking is very evident - he uses the language as much as possible an...

John Hanaway
I have had the privilege of having John for the past three years. He has continued to show development as a student and as a person. John's strongest asset is his desire to work hard and continually improve. John brightens any room that he enters at LHWHS and he demonstrates kindness and generosity to those people he interacts with....

Keiara Harper
Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. You continue to show up despite everything. Nobody said it would be easy, but it will be worth it, and you will be great!...

Samuel Helmkampf
Silent but strong, Sam Helmkapf is a leader. His academic record demonstrates his leadership in the classroom, but it is the way people respond to him outside of the classroom that most impresses me. People listen to and respect Sam because they see in him a genuine person who is aware of the needs of others. His lens is focused outwards and we are all better for that....

Grace Hensley
Grace works tirelessly to follow her passion of storytelling. Grace's commitment to the Broadcast Technology program, Panorama, and her own outside video journalism experiences has driven Grace to find her passion and tell the stories of Ladue through photography, sports videos, and broadcast journalism. Her desire to improve, excel on the athletic field, volunteer in the Ladue community, and strive ...

Katherine Hernández
I have seen Katherine grow from a quiet and shy girl to a young and independent young lady. Her work ethic, determination, and ability to stay focused in class enables her to perform very well all of the time. She is a dedicated, responsible student who brings great ideas and insight to conversations in the Spanish class. It has been a pleasure to teach this student for the past three years. ...

Ashlee Holloway
Ashlee Holloway is a stellar student who always goes above and beyond. She is respectful and hard-working, and she regularly asks questions and actively participates in class. My student teacher and I can tell that she is passionate about learning and is dedicated to continue growing as a learner of Spanish. Ashlee applies her knowledge of Spanish whenever opportunities arise, even outside of the ...

Nickolas Holzer
Nickolas (Mason) has been such a bright spot in class all year long. He is insightful and willing to take risks in order to learn and help the class understand concepts. The effort he puts into his work is also a key to his success. ...

Margaret Huewe
Rosie has elected to remain a virtual student for the 20-21 school year but, the distance learning has not lessened her positive impact in the classroom. Even via the screen, Rosie's engaged and compassionate presence shows with her effort to constantly produce the highest quality work, her desire to learn from others, and her willingness to help and listen. I admire her critical thinking, focus, an...

Thomas Hwang
Thomas was in my Drawing class last semester. Although we were virtual our entire time together, Thomas stayed enthusiastic and engaged. Thomas is a very talented artist, and always impressed me and his classmates with his work. He greeted me each morning with his camera on and a kind, "Hi, Chavez!" It made me smile and kept me going during a challenging semester. Thank you, Thomas, for sharing yo...

Sophie Intagliata
I have been fortunate enough to get to know Sophie over the past few years in Photo I and Photo II, as well as through Sparkle. Sophie is courageous, kind and all the other attributes one might hope to find in a student and a person. She is a good leader and friend to those around her. I have enjoyed having her in class and beyond....

Stephen Jiang
Stephen has been instrumental in continuing the Physics Club virtually. He develops helpful lessons, comprehensive handouts, and worthwhile competitions for students. Physics Club has been fun and interesting because of the time Stephen puts into running the club....

Avinash Kamath
Avi has been a great asset to Orchestra this year! Virtual Orchestra requires that students unmute to play individually in front of the class, which is scary for most. Avi is the first to volunteer to unmute and play. He is always in good spirits, answers any questions, and is overall a great student to have in class. ...

Rhea Kaw
Rhea is an outstanding student and deserves to be honored for her hard work and determination. She comes to class with a smile and isn't afraid to take on a challenge. Rhea is always willing to help her peers, stays engaged in class (even when it's on Zoom), and is just an all-around awesome person. Rhea, you rock! ...

Madison Kelley
Maddi goes above and beyond in everything she does. She will always push herself to try challenge problems, and she won't give up no matter how difficult a problem may be. Relationships are one of her biggest strengths in that she always remembers what is going on her classmates' lives outside of school. Our math class has such a strong community because of the positive and caring attitude Maddi b...

Macy Kerner
I have the pleasure of having Macy in my AP Microeconomics class. She shows up every day with a smile on her face that can be seen through her mask. In addition, Macy is Treasurer of the Senior Class and an active member of Student Council....

Leyla Kiknadze
I have had Leyla in class for two years in a row now, and it has been a pleasure to get to know this young lady and watch her grow into a powerful, self-sufficient person. When Leyla started in my class, things were rocky to say the least. But when the world shut down and things became essentially optional, Leyla put in a renewed vigor and energy. She doubled down on her learning and pushed through...

Michal Kipnis
Mika is an absolute joy to have in class! She has a wonderful positive attitude that is contagious, even within the virtual setting. She has navigated being a new student and a virtual student this year with absolute grace. Every day in class, without fail, Mika is smiling with her camera on, asks great questions, and is kind and encouraging to all of her classmates. She radiates joy and curiosity, and...

Walter Kornfeld
Walter was a gift to have in Holistic Wellness! He went above and beyond to get the most out of his experience and share with others. He engaged in amazing conversations and will surely maintain lifelong wellness. I am so proud of him! I will miss having him in class!...

Emma Kunitz
Whether it has been in my seminar for the last 3 years, or in World History last year, Emma continually puts a smile on my face. Her constant positivity and kindness truly make her a ray of sunshine. She also keeps me in check by letting me know when it is time to wipe down desks. We would be lost without you, Emma! Congratulations on Ram Pride -I can't think of anyone more deserving!...

Rebecca Lang
Becky is enormously talented and hard working. She has achieved some of the highest levels of recognition for a student musician, yet she is so humble and generous with her time and talent. She regularly volunteers with all the "extras" for orchestra such as being an audition monitor, tutoring middle school violin students and playing for residents in nursing homes. Becky receives little in return f...

Margaret Lawton
Maggie has been a leader for "Saxton Seminaria" for the past three years. She brings a positive and infectious attitude that encourages others to engage and feel included. Maggie's leadership in Seminar has made my room a comfortable, positive and inviting space for all students to learn and enjoy school. ...

Boston Lee
I am pleased to nominate Boston Lee-In a time when many see the glass half-empty, Boston brings a sense of optimism, positivity, and kindness in all that he does at LHWHS. I regularly witness Boston go out of his way to help others. Without question, Boston is destined to do great things in life!...

Alyssa Lewis
Alyssa did an outstanding job last semester in Freshman Virtual PE. She was fully engaged during workouts, added interesting information during discussions, and was always eager to share her projects with the class. Her personal fitness routines and videos were very amazing and entertaining. Great job Alyssa!...

Annie Li
Annie Li is a creative and dedicated student who has a talent and enthusiasm for art. She inspires other students in my painting classes with her prolific work and advanced technical skills. She is always willing to help out in the studio and volunteered her time and talents to design the cover art for this year's Fall play. Annie's artwork and ideas brighten the school with innovation, imagination an...

Skylar Lucas
Skylar is a breath of fresh air. She is delightful and hardworking. It is a pleasure to have her in class. She challenges me to stay up to date and give advanced techniques. She is hungry for success. I have only known Skylar for a year now and I hope to see her in more of my classes. If Skylar were to go into the food industry, she would turn heads because of her talent. ...

Ryan Maher
Ryan is such a hardworking student. Although he has been learning virtually this semester, he has remained engaged and on top of the workload in my class. Ryan is thoughtful and has a great sense of humor that comes across in his writing. His opinions and voice in the classroom are valued not only from my perspective as a teacher, but also among his classmates during small group discussions and peer ...

Alexandra Maranto
Alexandra always demonstrates patience as well as the motivation to go the extra distance for my class. It is clear that she follows up the issues we explore in class with outside reading and critical analysis. Alexandra is happy to share what she has learned with the class, but always in a humble and considerate manner towards her classmates. Thank you, Alexandra....

Vivian Marsters
Vivian exemplifies grace under pressure. She is a natural, quiet, conscientious leader who exudes confidence to those that she is working with, even if they have never worked together before as a team. Given her natural leadership talent, she can make any group of diverse people want to work together as a team to reach a common goal. If more like her join public service, which is her wish, we can ...

Erica Martin
People are drawn to Erica Elise Martin by her dedication to school and community. She is a loyal member of the Sparkle Effect, who spreads cheer and spirit through her performance. Her heartwarming smile is contagious to everyone she encounters. Erica is a pleasure to know and brings pride and happiness to LHWHS every day! ...

John Martin
I feel fortunate to have coached Johnny for four years. Johnny is the epitome of cool under pressure. His competitiveness is only outweighed by his kindness to his teammates and opponents. Seeing Johnny embrace his teammates after the District Meet was a reminder of the importance of being able to celebrate not only your own success, but the success of your teammates. Johnny has grown into a matur...

Austin Mathieu
Last semester on Zoom was challenging! As a new teacher to Ladue the most difficult part was not knowing my students. Thank goodness for Austin. Every class he showed up ready to share and to engage. We talked movies and culture at the beginning of nearly every class, and when we finally got around to psychology, Austin was ready to discuss and add his perspective. For a teacher staring at blank squar...

Augusts Mikits
Augusts is a fantastic student. He comes to class prepared and gives his all no matter what sport we are playing. His sportsmanship is second to none. Augusts’s effort in physical education is admirable. He plays hard, but fair. He is polite, courteous, and always helpful to other students in class. For all the reasons I have listed, I believe Augusts is a great Ram Pride recipient....

Ella-Jane Miller
Ella-Jane brings positive energy to our Latin classroom on a daily basis. She is trustworthy, responsible, and an extremely hard worker who takes ownership of and pleasure in the process of learning. Even more, she shows exceptional compassion and kindness toward others, which shines through in all of her interactions. She truly adds something special to our classroom community! ...

Nariah Moorer
Not many students email me on the weekends to explain how they see our curriculum outside of the classroom, but during the Fall Semester of 2020, I looked forward to weekend emails from Nariah explaining how she saw something we talked about in class out in the real world or in a YouTube video. Nariah's positivity, excitement for life, and authenticity made her an asset to our virtual classes. When i...

Joseph Niehoff
The high fives as you enter the building on the north lot, the music (always classic rock) playing as he walks down the hallways, or the occasional arm wrestling or pushup challenge that might occur during lunch. These are just a few of the many reasons I miss seeing Joey every day at school. Great schools are about great energy and Joey provided this for the last three years in our building. Unfortu...

Adam Ozimkiewicz
When I think of a quality trait that describes Adam, the word compassionate comes to mind. Having known Adam throughout his entire high school career, I have witnessed multiple occasions where Adam has shown compassion for others. Whether it is working in a small group, having a class discussion, or supporting athletes in Special Olympics, Adam engages with others and gives them his undivided attention...

Gracyn Paske
Gracyn is an awesome addition to our Ladue community. Despite being new to Ladue this year, she has been willing to take risks and build positive relationships. She works so hard and always has time to help a peer. We are so lucky to have her!...

Benjamin Perry
Ben is a respectful, positive student who consistently shows good manners and compassion. He sincerely thanks teachers for their help and support. Ben is a truly loyal and supportive teammate and friend who makes everyone around him feel important. His strong work ethic is sure to guarantee success in whatever future endeavors he attempts. It is my honor to nominate Ben for RAM Pride. ...

Alejandra Pinon-Dickey
"Ale" is a lot of fun! Her sense of humor and positive attitude are infectious in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Ale has shown growth through her willingness to take chances and invest the time needed to build her inner strength....

Caroline Powell
I have had the opportunity to work with Caroline as both a sophomore and senior. It has been a lot of fun to see her grow during this time as both a student and a member of the LHWHS community. Caroline puts her best foot forward whether she is working through a mathematical concept, helping others, or working to make the school a better place. She strives to find a deep understanding and doesn't sh...

Myla Price
Myla is as hardworking as they come. She meets every challenge with a positive attitude and continually seeks out support when needed. She is persistent in her efforts to learn, not simply to check a box, but to truly understand and apply concepts. Her kindness and perseverance add so much to the classroom experience of all students....

Katherine Procell
I first met Katie on the softball field for her junior year season, in which her dedication, leadership, and composure blew me away. Even though I was not able to coach her this past season, I was so grateful that I had the opportunity to have her in class, not just once, but twice in this academic year. Katie's work ethic, sense of humor, and willingness to take risks is going to take her to some am...

Gramm Raedeke
Gramm is a student wise beyond his years who composes himself with a high level of maturity and great sense of humor. He works very hard; comes to school early and stays late for extra practice in music, always willing to help his classmates. He has volunteered for and participated in all kinds of musical events and opportunities, both curricular and extra-curricular. You will never hear Gramm complaining- ...

Anna Reis
Anna is the perfect example of a well-rounded student. She chooses to challenge herself academically with AP courses while also pushing herself to become fluent in Spanish. She plays club soccer, plays on the Ladue soccer team, and was chosen as a captain for her senior year. She is the current vice president of the speech and debate team, serves as the Lincoln-Debate Coordinator, and is competitivel...

Sydney Robins
Regardless of setting or circumstance, Sydney always brings her best. Her contributions to the classroom-- always thoughtful and considerate-- are so greatly appreciated....

Caroline Roche
Carly is always ready to learn when she comes to my class. Her curiosity and willingness to join in class discussions benefits everyone in our group. I appreciate her joy, her "ready to help" attitude, and her hard work....

Rachel Rothman
I have Rachel as a virtual student in chemistry this year. She is present every class, has her video on and is engaged. She asks questions, she answers questions and she is engaged in her break out room. Her work is always done well and on time. Rachel is an excellent chemistry student and is deserving of a Ram Pride Award!...

Sophia Saleeby
Sassy is a great scholar and community leader. In the classroom, she is a thoughtful and curious student who asks great questions. Outside of class, Sassy started the Culture Corner, a club that provides a space for all LHWHS students to share their own cultures and experience other students' cultures in a fun, informal setting. The Ladue community is stronger because of Sassy's contributions. ...

Peter Santen
Transferring from another school is a tough task by itself, not to mention when school is run virtually, however Peter came in with a friendly, positive attitude. Within a month at Ladue, Peter was working diligently in class, participating daily, and working well with and helping group members that he had never met in person. Second semester, he's found his stride and is a great student. Personally, Peter...

Alex Schepker
I greatly appreciate Alex's curiosity and creativity. His maturity, professionalism and obvious desire to explore learning and use it for growth make me feel respected and appreciated as an educator. That gift is extra special this year, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have Alex as a student. ...

Reese Schuler
It has been a privilege to have Reese in Seminar for the last three years. I am truly impressed by her work ethic, sincerity and positive attitude. These traits stand out even more this year as we are all struggling to adapt to a different learning environment. I know she has a great future ahead of her and I will really miss her next year....

Elizabeth Seitz
It has been an honor getting to know Ellie over the past couple of years. Ellie is bright, funny, resilient, stubborn, strong, independent, and brave. She has grown considerably throughout high school and is someone whom I know has the potential to really thrive in her post-secondary life. I love talking to Ellie and working with her. She really is an awesome person. I am going to miss Ellie but am...

Harjas Singh
It's always a pleasure having a conversation with Harjas. He always has a smile on his face, he's respectful and polite. In addition to his positive attitude, he works hard and sets an example for fellow Ladue students. ...

Emma Smith
I have really noticed growth in Emma's energy and leadership within our athletic programs. This is specifically true of Emma's participation with our fall cheerleading program. Her smile, attitude and energy are contagious and certainly had a positive impact on those around her at practices and games!! ...

Jaysha Sopshire
I am honored to nominate Jaysha for Ram Pride. She is a student that time and time again displays perseverance, kindness towards others, and a genuine desire to learn. She is never one to give up and wants to always know how she can do better not only for herself but for others. Congratulations Jaysha!...

Oviya Srihari
A leader, critical thinker and authentic individual, Oviya has proven herself to be passionate, and motivated in her education and future, but above all, compassionate and focused on making tomorrow even better than today for everyone around her! ...

Morgan Standifer
I have had the pleasure of having Morgan Standifer for the past two years in my Spanish II and III classes. Every time I see Morgan, she lifts my spirits! She is such a positive person and she always treats others with respect and kindness as well. She not only is positive and kind, but she also is an extremely hard worker! She always is prepared for class and ready to participate and learn no matte...

Andrea Swihart-DeCoster
Andrea is an excellent student who exemplifies the high standards of performance and achievement that we hope to see expressed in all Ladue students. In particular, she really excels in AP Computer Science. She is a dedicated independent thinker who kindly and generously shares her joy in problem solving with her peers. We know that she will do well in her future studies and in her ultimate chosen...

Anjela Taylor
Anjela comes to class every day with a positive attitude and ready to work. She demonstrates patience and persistence when she's tackling a difficult problem or assignment, and seeks out extra help when needed. Anjela is polite and respectful, and it has been a joy to be her math teacher this year!...

Natasha Theusch
Tasha always gives her best to everything she does. She brings a positive energy to the classroom that helps bring the whole class up. She consistently participates and is kind and considerate to everyone in the class at all times. She is so resilient and even when school or life is overwhelming, Natasha gives everything she can and overcomes. ...

Catherine Thomas
How much space do I have? Cate really encompasses all the great things teachers love from their students - hard working, polite, engaging, on task, kind, and more. Moreover, she enters the room everyday (either in person or virtually) with a smile and positive energy. Her willingness to help other students or work with anyone in a group is refreshing, and her "dad jokes" at the beginning of class ...

Omar Thurman
Omar has been a virtual student in our Black Studies class this year. Despite the challenges of virtual learning, it has been a pleasure to engage with a student who has an astute knowledge of history, and a willingness to share his insight in a respectful, profound and impactful way. It has been a pleasure to have him in class....

Joan Tobias
Joan is a kind, respectful, hard-working, and very bright individual. Each and every day she brings a smile and a positive, ready-to-learn attitude. Her upbeat personality has absolutely made our chemistry class better. Her persistence and dedication to overcome and succeed is not only noticed, but admired- I look forward to seeing where Joan's career takes her! ...

Sarah Vaidyan
Sarah is not only an outstanding AP Calculus BC scholar, she is an all-around dedicated student who exemplifies Ram Pride through her work ethic, teamwork, persistence, and concern for others. Her persistence in solving challenging problems has given her the skills and abilities to apply this to future problems - not only this year, but also years to come. You have done a wonderful job, Sarah - we ...

Heather Van Well
It is always great to see Heather in the library in the morning swapping out her Manga. She is a thoughtful and avid reader. With Heather's help and recommendations, we continue to develop a library collection that reaches a wide variety of readers. I am very appreciative of her insight and willingness to share her love of reading!...

Shreya Vellanki
Shreya is an absolute pleasure to have in class. Her work ethic and unwavering desire to learn are second to none. She is always looking for ways to expand her knowledge in business and has used this year in the CAPS program to successfully develop a business of her own. She will undoubtedly continue to accomplish great things beyond her time at Ladue. ...

Kade Vetter
Kade continues to impress me with his work ethic and thoughtfulness. On several occasions, Kade brought situations to my attention in the spirit of helping others. Kade made this an easy choice for me....

Anthony Wang
It is my pleasure to recommend Anthony Wang for the RAM Pride Award. This student's willingness to consistently give his time and effort to help others learn is only one of his wonderful qualities. With a humble attitude and great intelligence, Anthony demonstrates amazing leadership skills and self-discipline for one so young. I am sure that Anthony Wang will do great things!...

Kalina Weber
I have been so impressed by Kalina this year as she has navigated the world of virtual learning. I can only imagine how difficult it is to sit at a computer all day to do school, but she is consistently ready to learn. She has managed to be an engaged member of our classroom despite being miles away from school. She participates, asks great questions, and is always prepared. Kalina's communication ski...

Nia Whitley
I have known Nia for three years and will miss having her in class as a leader, confident contributor, and role model. True, she may not love everything about school, but that's also part of why I appreciate her; she figures out how to be motivated. That ability makes her both dependable and an insightful problem-solver. These special qualities will allow Nia to make the most of any opportunity tha...

Zyon Williams
Zyon has persevered and thrived during her sophomore year. She has prioritized tasks and managed her time between her academics and extracurricular activities. Between classes, sports, and quarantines, Zyon has the highest grade in her Composition and Reading Analysis (CRA) class. Where many have struggled under such demanding circumstances, Zyon has maintained a positive attitude. Her focus and determ...

Ethan Willick
Ethan has been an absolute game-changer for the Panorama staff this year. His ability to collaborate with, inspire, and relate to his fellow students is astounding and exactly the breath of fresh air we needed in such a bizarre year. As a teacher, it has been a true joy and an honor to work with Ethan and to watch him grow into the leader he is today. ...

Camille Wise
Camille is an enthusiastic student and eager to learn. She comes to class prepared every day. She shares her positive energy with the class and leads by example. ...

Essete Workineh
Essete is a quiet leader with a strong, positive influence on those around her. I don't think she realizes her impact on people. Essete works hard, has incredible confidence and focus, yet also knows when to laugh and take a break. She has great energy and I am grateful to have gotten to know her and spend time with her over the last couple of years....

Allen You
Allen shares his positive attitude and strong work ethic with the Symphonic Band. He brings an earnestness to his thoughtful participation in our class discussions. LHWHS is made better because of students like Allen!...

Lucy Yue
Lucy is a bright, hardworking, and honest student. Lucy took advantage of every opportunity to improve her AP chemistry skills by doing all extra practice problems and attending all the review sessions last year in class. She deeply cares about learning. As a student lab assistant this year, Lucy attended all the virtual chemistry classes first semester as a peer tutor and even attended office hours ...

Laura Zoeller
I nominated Laura to receive a Ram Pride award because she has shown resilience and was able to overcome a really rough start to the school year. I have truly loved having Laura in class. She is always fully engaged regardless of the learning environment, and her sense of humor made class so fun. She is level-headed and smart, and I have no doubt she will be able to tackle whatever challenge the wo...
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