Hotaru Murashita
Question: How did you spend your long break?
Answer: During the entire break, I baked cinnamon rolls, brown butter chocolate chip cookies and bagels. I also ran on the treadmill and read books.
Question: What was the most fun part of the break for you?
Answer: I liked having the time off to sleep in, relax and do my hobbies.

Sylvia Hanely
Question: How did you spend your long break?
Answer: During the weekend, I went to New York City. I visited a lot of place and got to spend time with my family. I also got to walk around the city, try some food, and watch SIX on Broadway. We arrived back on Monday and I spent Tuesday and Wednesday just relaxing, catching up on homework, watching shows and spending more time with my family.
Question: What was the most fun part of the break for you?
Answer: I liked watching Brooklyn 99 during the break.
Nisha Hueser • Feb 24, 2025 at 11:05 am
Wow! Hotaru and Sylvia seem like such good role models! They are the perfect example of excellence here at Ladue!! Hotaru baking, Sylvia going on a trip- spectacular!! Absolute cinema! I wish I could be just like these girls! They make me want to reach for the stars! Wow! If you see them in the hallway, please say hi! They are SO cool!!! 🙂
Nisha H