The happiest time of the year is supposed to be in December, but this year it doesn’t really feel like it. With Covid 19 keeping many people locked down in their homes and causing many deaths across the country, it’s tempting to give this year’s festivities a pass. However it is important to keep one’s mood high during this dark winter in order for one’s mental health to remain high. But due to the pandemic, many traditional celebrations such as having a new years party are not recommended. So to make the most out of this year’s “virtual” holiday, here are some substitutes to traditional holiday activities.
A huge part of many holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah are religious celebrations. And traditionally, those celebrations are held in places such as Churches or Synagogues and with many people in attendance. In order to find a safer way to worship, one should try to attend those services and classes outdoors or virtually. As for gatherings like Christmas Eve’s midnight mass, which is often packed from wall to wall, is near impossible to happen this year. But many religious leaders including the Pope will be streaming a service which has been altered for safety.
Another major component of the holiday season is shopping for gifts. In place of going to stores to shop, it is best to order gifts online to minimize contact with others. If shipping takes too long, one might consider checking if regional stores offer curbside pickup, which is also a safe alternative. If one must go to a store, weigh the risks and have a “gift list” prior to entering. Limit time spent there and leave if the store is crowded or if people are not following CDC guidelines. Even though 2020 has felt like a never ending wave of dread and bad news, celebrating the holiday season safely can be a breath of fresh air.