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How to Make a Fall Themed Bath Salt

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In spirit of the fall season beginning, here at Ladue Lead we decided to give you a step-by-step and show you how to make fall themed bath salts. We hope you enjoy and let’s get cooking!


Part One (storing):
1 mason jar
__ fake or real leaves (preferably fall colors)
Liquid glue

Part Two (bath salt):
1 cup of epsom salt
½ cup of coarse sea salt
½ cup of baking soda
20-25 drops of apple cider essential oil
Food coloring (optional)

Part One (Storing)

Step 1: Clean the mason jar, make sure it doesn’t have dirt or oil on it. (the leaves won’t stick if it’s oily). 



Step 2: If using real leaves, dampen them so they become malleable. If using fake leaves, bend them a bit to loosen them up. 



Step 3: Apply a layer of glue on a part of the jar and stick a leaf to it

Note: Wait a little bit in between each ‘leaf gluing’ for better results



Step 4: Repeat step 3 until the jar is covered. 



Step 5: Leave the jar to dry






Part Two (the bath salt!)


Step 1: In a large bowl, put the salts and the baking soda



Step 2: In the same bowl, add the essential oil



Step 3: Mix all the ingredients together



Step 3: Place in the bath salt in the jar and enjoy!








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