As February nears its end, so does the Ladue 2025 Winter Reading Challenge. The challenge began December 1 and is set to end February 28. During this time, students were encouraged to read books from 10 categories and track them on a sheet. The categories range from featuring a winter holiday to staff picks.
The challenge is led by librarian Mary Kate Mortland, who has been running the reading quest for multiple years.

“[The winter reading challenge] is something that we’ve done for the last couple of years,” Mortland said. “It’s a way to keep our school community, staff, faculty, and students actively reading in the winter months.”
If students read three books, they will be invited to a donut party, and if they read four or more books they are eligible for a grand prize entry.
“If [participants] read four or more, then they are entered into a drawing for other prizes,” Mortland said. “The prizes range from fun little speakers to karaoke machines and fun little trinkets and prizes.”
The library also runs another challenge in the summer with similar guidelines but different categories.
“It’s just meant to be a fun recreational, encouraging activity,” Mortland said. “[It is meant to be] reading for fun.”