Nestled within the multipurpose room sits Ladue High School’s Ram Shack: a student-run business selling everything from spirit wear to stickers and gum.
Ram Shack employees have already started planning for the 2024-25 school year. Student leader Madison Stockwell (11) said the group starts with setting team goals.
“We’re hoping to continue being a fun class, but also productive,” Stockwell said. “We’ve come up with some ideas to implement in the next year, but we’ll still plan at the beginning of the next year, just because it’s a new class and new people.”
One of these products is a Welcome Box, which includes Ladue-themed shirts, writing utensils and stickers. The box is $35 and will be delivered to students in their seminar classes within the first two weeks of school. Other products are released throughout the school year, with some being created by students through sweatshirt design contests.
The Ram Shack is student-run, but employees receive help from their business teachers and advisers, Jessica Kennedy and Allen Stringer.
“It’s super helpful because they know what they are talking about, and it’s great to learn from their experience and their advice,” Stockwell said. “But then, it’s also good to experience stuff that we can learn in the future.”
Aneesh Patil (12) worked with Stockwell on inventory staff during the 2023-24 school year. He said that the Ram Shack improved both his communication and teamwork skills.
“It’s the best thing for students our age to really understand everything about a business without having to deal with the main responsibilities: having to pay this bill, or that bill, or anything like that,” Patil said. “You just get to live a fun kind of life while also being in school.”