“No, absolutely not, it’s top secret,” Charlie Krasnoff says laughing.
When asked about his pre-meet playlist, Krasnoff did not give a straight answer.
“My music is off limits,” Krasnoff repeatedly said.
While he did reveal that there were some Kanye West songs, none of them were from his newest album, Donda.
Krasnoff raced in a cross country meet in Columbia, Missouri this past week. Waking up at the time of 6:09 A.M., Krasnoff ate oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, boarded the van for his 2 hour trip and popped in his headphones to listen to tunes unbeknownst to any other human being that would eventually lead him to breaking the school record.
“I was really happy,” Krasnoff said. “But I knew I wouldn’t have the school record.”
Before this meet, Ladue’s top time for a 5K was 15:48. Krasnoff posted a time of 15:34 … and senior Andrew Smock a time of 15:26. Both bested the record. Krasnoff breaking the record was overshadowed by Smock breaking the school record by even more.
“I know [Charlie’s] always chasing me and the runners in front of me,” Smock said. “I didn’t look behind me through the race, but I definitely assumed he was close behind.”
Smock was able to beat Krasnoff at this meet like the meet two weeks ago, but the gap between the two runners is narrowing. Krasnoff believes that his mindset plays a particularly important role in his performance.
“[Some] races I seem to have no expectations,” Krasnoff said. “Obviously, I want to win, but when I don’t set specific goals and just go out there and race, that’s when I do best.”
As of right now, Smock has out raced Krasnoff in two of the three meets this season. Despite their friendly rivalry, both of them enjoyed reuniting with one of their role models, former Ladue runner Johnny Martin, after the meet.
“It was super exciting to see him again and race so well while he watched,” Smock said. “We definitely miss him on the team.”