The Student Newsite of Ladue High School

Joanne Sung

Joanne Sung

When I first heard stories about the coronavirus, it seemed like a distant problem. I recognized how devastating the situation was, but I was desensitized to it, and couldn’t bear to imagine this would become something I’d have to worry about… yet here we are. However, as I’ve been social distancing, there has been a lot more time on my hands. Because of this, I’ve been able to bake more, try to learn to play the guitar, go on walks, figure out new ways to stay connected with friends, watch a lot of shows and movies, and spend way too much time on my phone. So, as terrible as this whole situation is, it allowed me to step back from many stressful and busy things, and relax while spending my time doing things that I enjoy, and that is the best part of quarantine for me.

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