The Student Newsite of Ladue High School

Ayush Ajmani

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“[The best part about lockdown] has definitely been sleeping in. Just being able to sleep until eight o’clock is like an absolute game changer, especially after being sleep deprived for almost six months due to college applications. So, I think that’s just helped me be more focused, more organized, and just adapt to the situation better. I mean, it was kind of confusing at first, and teachers were trying to figure out how to use Zoom. I think after a day or two, teachers started getting a better knowledge of Zoom, and I also started to better understand how to take notes, how to approach lectures better and how to not waste my time on maybe some more minor stuff where I can spend and focus all my time on studying for AP exams, which are still happening… Because we no longer have traditional school, you can really just allocate how your, your time how you want it to be. So you can study for AP exams in the morning, in the afternoon or evening, and because you don’t really have a binding schedule anymore––besides those one or two Zoom calls per day. You can study whenever you want.”

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